
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ballooning: Up, Up and Away , Sri Lanka

The idea of being cocooned in a wicker basket, supported by air, and just floating over the earth guided by the patterns of the wind in a carefree manner, has a certain panache to it that most other forms of travel can only aspire to.

Hot air ballooning is the newest thing to hit the aviation scene in Sri Lanka. Having overcome initial hiccups as it was perceived to be a security threat, ballooning has certainly found a foothold in the niche market of up market tourism.

Apart from its central hills, Sri Lanka has very flat terrain which makes it suited for the sport. Add some of the most stunning scenery on offer in the world and you’ve got yourself a recipe for something very special.

At the moment the two most popular ballooning sites are at Sigiriya and Uda Walawe. It is mainly due to logistical reasons that these two sites are preferred. Also ballooning relies heavily on steady weather patterns and since these two spots have been launch sites for more than two years, the operators have a good idea of when and what to expect.

Ballooning in Sri Lanka is carried out by two companies at present, namely Adtech Lanka Ltd and Adventure Centre Asia (ACA). Though the sport is new to the country, the experience behind the operation means that the services offered are of a high standard. The person behind Adtech is a senior pilot with the national carrier, while ACA was previously operated successfully in Nepal by the same management.

The equipment used in Sri Lanka ranges from 80,000 cu. ft. balloons suited for 3 persons to a mammoth 350,000 cu. ft. 16 person balloon owned by ACA.

Due to the need for very steady weather conditions, most flights take place early morning. Thus a typical flight consists of a dawn pickup which is about an hour or so before the scheduled take-off time. Setting up takes about 20 minutes for a small balloon and upto an hour for a big one. This is a very colourful scene as the burners are on full power and the balloon itself is stretched on the grass as it inflates.

The ride lasts for approximately an hour and at Sigiriya skirts the rock and then heads out over forest and village land. Watch mesmerized as the light filters in and life starts up in the land below.

At Uda Walawe, the launch takes place on the eastern boundary and since elevations are kept low, animal sightings are high. You might even surprise a herd of elephant en route for their morning splash.

Balloons have an advantage of being able to fly unobtrusively at low altitude. The silence and calm means that it is totally different to any other form of flight. Since the balloon is pushed along by the wind there are also no air currents pulling at the passengers to have to contend with.

Each balloon flight is unique too as no two flight paths will ever be the same. Revel in the fact that the ride you experience is truly yours and yours alone as it will not be able for anyone else to share the experience afterward.

Due to a rapidly heating up land, ever-present thermals and Indian Ocean-influenced weather, Sri Lanka is a technically challenging flight for the pilot. Hanging above the earth in a wicker basket might not seem like the safest way to spend your Sunday morning, but balloons are said to be the safest flying machines going. Statistics suggest that you run a much higher risk driving to the launch site from Colombo than during the actual flight itself!

The season for flying is October to April of the following year. March and April are the preferable months as they offer the best weather. At other times of the year strong winds blow in from the east and flying is only possible downwind of the mountains on the western side of the island.

An interesting event in the short ballooning history of Sri Lanka was the international balloon festival held in 2003. Apart from the 14 balloons that took part, a notable guest was British balloonist Bryan Jones, one of the first two men to circumnavigate the earth in a balloon. The next festival is planned for March – April 2005.

Ballooning is pretty much a select pastime all over the world, and it remains so here as well. Flights are priced in the range of 230 US $ per person and does usually include breakfast. Costs for residents are lower. Additional services such as champagne and catering for non-flying companions are also available. Flight costs do not include hotel accommodation so you have to make sure that you are in the vicinity before booking your flight.

Since it is weather dependent, launch time is decided the evening before at your briefing and the final decision is made on the morning of the flight. Special events like weddings and honeymoon cruises are also arranged. When weather patterns are unpredictable, tethered flights are an option.

The price maybe a bit on the steep side, but the experience on offer promises to be one that will grip you for a long time to come. So placing your trust in a wicker basket and bag full of hot air is perhaps something you should seriously consider!

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